Privacy Policy


Cookies refer to the pieces of information or data that are saved by your browser on your system which are basically used in order to record various aspects of your visit and aid us in providing undisturbed services.

We along with our third-party partners (Vendors) which also include Google, use first-party cookies such as the Google Analytics cookies in order to report the performance of our ad impressions or any other ad interactions or services related to any brand promotions.

None of our promotional activities or website access is applicable to children below 18 years.



To update the user about new brand developments, offers or any other brand related promotional events.

We also use the data in order to understand the traffic on the website.

This is to bring it to your notice that some of your personal information that is shared by you with us might be shared with or used by third parties such as the courier companies, vendors or the credit card companies who will require the same in order to execute their duties so as to fulfil your requirements of the order and the user can unsubscribe to the email notifications at any point of time.

According to our Privacy Policy, it is strictly ensured that no third party or an unauthorized organization will be given access to or have the power to use your personal information that is shared by you on our website. However, VEDARYAA is not responsible for any leakage or usage of information that is obtained and collected through your browser settings.

VEDARYAA holds the authority to disclose your personal information in case the law demands it and wishes to use it for the benefit of the masses.

VEDARYAA reserves the right to share collective information such as demographics and website usage statistics with our sponsors, advertisers or other third parties like marketing partners and network providers. When this type of information is shared, such parties do not have access to your Personal Information.

This is to clarify that we at VEDARYAA hold the right to share information pertaining to a particular user with our affiliated partners for any sort of promotional or marketing-based activities.




The following terms and conditions are applicable only to the products purchased via our website or the ones that are purchased through our Social Media portals.

This is to bring to your notice to carefully read the mentioned terms and conditions before being a part of the VEDARYAA community and making a purchase for any of our products or availing of services. Any purchase made through our website would be considered as your acceptance of our Brand Policy and with this acceptance you will be bound to the specific terms of use of our website, the privacy policy any other terms of service or any additional terms mentioned for the product.

If you are not in agreement with the supply terms, please do not access the website or any other source of transaction for any purchase of a product or a service.

In order to ensure the safety and confidentiality of our customers, this website uses regular industry standard technology drafted to help keep an individual’s personal information safe which will be shared by you with us while making purchases. In addition to that, the customer data we collect is protected by us against any unauthorized access. In order to prevent this access and to maintain data accuracy, we have employed practical security procedures, methods and technology.

Any personal information of a user that is shared with us through our website during the transactions is transferred, processed and maintained on computers which might be located outside your locality or even the country and have different privacy laws. The same applies to any situation where you are located outside India and provide us with your personal information or data. In such cases, we are bringing to your notice that the website stores or transfers your information to India and processes it there. Your acceptance of such information represents your agreement or compliance to that transfer.

As it has been prevalent in the recent times, it is deplorable that the transference of information over the Internet is not completely secure. Although we seek to protect any personal data or information that is shared by you with us, we cannot entirely guarantee the security of your data while it is being transmitted to our site. With this, we aim to bring it to your notice that any transmission of any sort of data or information is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we do ensure you that we have adopted commercially reasonable procedures and security features in order to prevent any sort of unauthorized access.


We at VEDARYAA hold the right to discontinue the services of any product without any prior services.

Our brand holds the power to add, modify or develop the procedures, services, mediums or conditions of purchase at any time without having a liability to any third or external party for any development, elimination or termination of any particular aspect of the services.


The sale and purchase of products including features like the payment policy and the shipping policy enabled by our website is guided by our company’s policy which can be changed or modified at our discretion without any liability to any third party.

In a situation where a damaged product is received by you, write to us on mentioning the damage along with the attached pictures of the product. The damage mentioned by you will be assessed and analyzed by our team and a solution will be offered from our side. The product may be replaced altogether or any other corrective measures will be suggested or undertaken in accordance to the issue being dealt with.

In case the product is out of stock, our concerned personnel will get in touch with you and assist you further. In a situation if paid orders, the money will be transferred to the source of payment within a stipulated period of time. In case of cash on delivery (COD) no refunds will be extended from our side as no payment would be received by us.


The sale and purchase of products including features like the payment policy and the shipping policy enabled by our website is guided by our company’s policy which can be changed or modified at our discretion without any liability to any third party.

You can utilize the product as per your will but neither VEDARYAA nor our team will be liable for the same.

To avail our services, you need to be of a legal age which would lead to forming of a binding contract. You must also notify us that you are not a person barred from receiving services under the laws as applicable in India.

We shall not be responsible for any deficiency in payment of consideration payable towards the products purchased on the website.

In accordance with the Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, we need to handle and take care of your grievances. Please write to us on to register any grievances you may have.

In the event that you have any complaints or concerns with respect to the website or our services, please write to us at


VEDARYAA does not guarantee that the price offered for the product will be the lowest in the city, region or geography. It must be noted that the prices and availability are subject to change without prior notice or any consequential liability to you.

We at VEDARYAA aim to provide accurate information about our products and services but it might be possible that in some cases an error may occur. During such an event, it may happen that a product or service is listed with incorrect price or with incorrect information. To rectify the same, we, at our discretion, may contact you for instructions or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation. We still hold the right to modify the price of the product and contact you for further instructions via the e-mail address provided by you at the time of registration, or cancel the order and notify you of such cancellation.

If the cancellation of the order is made by us after the payment has been processed, the entire amount will be remitted to your account from which the payment was made.


You might be required to provide your credit or debit card details to the approved payment gateways while making the payment. You are urged to not use the credit/debit card that is not lawfully owned by you.

The information provided by you will not be utilized or shared with any third party unless required in relation to fraud verifications or by law. You will be solely and entirely responsible for the security and confidentiality of your credit/debit card details. We expressly disclaim any liabilities that may arise as a consequence of any unauthorized use of your credit/debit card.


Your shipping address and pin code will be verified before you proceed to pay for your purchase.

If your order is not in serviceable areas, we would request you to provide us with an alternate shipping address. If there is any dispute regarding the shipment of the products or services for the area not covered, we will not be held responsible for the non-delivery of the product.

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